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Barnstead GenPure Systems for Type 1 water

Inovative and reliable Barnstead GenPure Systems include a wall bracket, ultrapure polisher cartridge, sterile 0.2 μm filter, UV lamp and/or ultrafilter where applicable. Barnstead GenPure Systems include three configuration options. These include GenPure, GenPure Pro and the GenPure xCAD Plus.


Barnstead GenPure Pro

The Barnstead GenPure Pro system delivers ultrapure 18.2 MΩ.cm water with consistent quality. Suitable for the most demanding laboratory applications, this ultrapure water system will deliver water from a small footprint. The GenPure Pro system can be used on a laboratory bench or on a wall. The new flexible dispenser offers maximum freedom while dispensing ultrapure water up to 24 inches (60 cm) away from the unit.

Barnstead GenPure xCAD Plus

The Barnstead GenPure xCAD Plus system delivers ultrapure 18.2 MΩ.cm water with consistent quality for the most demanding and sensitive applications. The xCAD remote dispenser provides flexibility and control. The xCAD is short for “Extended Control and Dispenser.” The system provides more flexibility for ultrapure water dispensing with an action radius of 32 inches (80 cm). Ergonomic dispensing arm provides precise volume dosing at the press of a button.

Barnstead GenPure

The Barnstead GenPure system delivers ultrapure 18.2 MΩ.cm water with consistent quality for the most demanding and sensitive applications. An additional measuring cell monitors feed water conductivity. Any exceeding of the limiting value is immediately displayed maximizing cartridge life.

Application areas

Molecular Biology and Microbiology

  • Cell and tissue culture
  • PCR, DNA sequencing
  • Electrophoresis

    Analytical Chemistry

    • HPLC
    • TOC measurements,IC
    • Electrophoresis
      Select the water system that best suits your requirementsGenPure xCAD
      GenPure ProGenPure
       Full control at the GenPure xCAD Plus remote dispenserFlexible dispensingEconomical Type 1 water
      ApplicationsUltra-low organic levels, <5 ppb HPLC, TOC, GC/MS, ICP, ICP-MSYesYesYes
      Cell culture, monoclonal antibody production, electrophoresisYesYesYes
      Nuclease and pyrogen-free  applications such as PCR, 2-D electrophoresis,
      cell culture, blotting
      TechnologyUV monitoringYesYesYes
      Feed water monitoringYesYesYes
      Total Organic Carbon (TOC) monitorYesYesYes
      FeaturesVolumetric DispensingYesYes-
      GenPure xCAD Plus remote dispenserYes--
      Under-the-bench mountingYes--
      RS-232 data printing at
      pre-programmed intervals
      CapacityOptimal amount of water to use daily to sustain reasonable cartridge life200 L/day200 L/day